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{"songs":[{"title":"Love Defined", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/sermon-audio/love-defined", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""Sermon for the 2nd Sunday after Trinity (18 Jun. 2023)"", "image":""},{"title":"The First Mass", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/sermon-audio/the-first-mass", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""Sermon for the First Sunday after Easter (16 Apr. 2023)"", "image":""},{"title":"'Return to Me' says the LORD of Armies", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/sermon-audio/return-to-me-says-the-lord-of-armies", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""Sermon for the Third Sunday after Lent (12 March 2023)"", "image":""},{"title":"What is a Woman: A Co-ruler in Dominion", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":"""", "image":""},{"title":"Fasting & Blood - Acts 15 (Lent I)", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/sermon-audio/fasting-blood-acts-15-lent-i", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""Sermon for the First Sunday in Lent (26 Feb. 2023)\r\n\r\nGod tells us in Leviticus 17:14: \r\n\u201cSince the life of every creature is its blood\u2026You are not to eat the blood of any creature, because the life of every creature is its blood; whoever eats it must be cut off.\u201d \r\n\r\nWhen God is speaking of life in the blood, He is referring to the spirit \u2013 the animating life giving spirit that God breathed into animals and man at creation. In accordance with the ruling of the First Council in Jerusalem as recorded in Acts 15, and reconfirmed at the 4th and 7th Ecumenical Councils, the command for Christians to always abstain from eating blood is a moral and permanently binding precept. \r\n\r\nZechariah 9:7:\r\n\u201cI will remove the blood from their mouths and the abhorrent things from between their teeth. Then they too will become a remnant for our God; they will become like a clan in Judah\u201d."", "image":""},{"title":"Sarah's Denial of Sin to the LORD (Quinquagesima)", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/sermon-audio/sarah-s-denial-of-sin-to-the-lord-quinquagesima", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""Sermon for the Sunday Next before Lent (19 Feb. 2023)\r\n\r\nThe LORD asked Abraham: \r\n\u201cWhy did Sarah laugh, saying, \u2018Can I really have a baby when I\u2019m old?\u2019 \r\n\u2018Is anything impossible for the LORD? At the appointed time I will come back to you, and in about a year she will have a son\u2019. \r\nSarah denied it. \u2018I did not laugh\u2019, she said, because she was afraid. \r\nBut he replied, \u2018No, you did laugh\u2019.\u201d\r\n\r\nSarah\u2019s sin here is that she not only mocked what the LORD was saying, she then lied to Him about doing so. We insult God and do a disservice to ourselves when we do not fully confess or own up to our sins. Like the animal presented for sacrifice, our sins must be laid naked, bare, and exposed upon the altar, so that it can be entirely consumed by the flames. Animal sacrifices were for the benefit of the nation and not for the care and feeding of God, as other religions treat their idols. Likewise, confession is for our benefit, God already knows and loves His children despite the knowledge of all their sin. You see this play out in things like therapeutic psychology, where if you\u2019re trying to overcome a fear, they will increasingly expose you to that fear until you are able to conquer it. The exact opposite of what people nowadays think they are achieving through avoidance methods like trigger warnings. But this is how we are to treat sin; we must continuously expose ourselves to the whole, unadulterated truth of our sins in confession to overcome them with the help of the Holy Ghost."", "image":""},{"title":"Both Scripture & Holy Tradition Are Needed (Sexagesima)", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/sermon-audio/both-scripture-holy-tradition-are-needed-sexagesima", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""Sermon for the 2nd Sunday before Lent (12 Feb. 2023)\r\n\r\nWhile Scripture does indeed contain all things necessary for salvation, it can also be said that it does not contain everything Christ did or taught to the Apostles. That\u2019s not to say the Scriptures are deficient it just means that this written Word was meant to be coupled with the Living Word and Holy Traditions of the Church. St. John wrote: \u201cAnd there are also many other things that Jesus did, which, if every one of them were written down, I suppose not even the world itself could contain the books that would be written\u201d. Likewise, Paul in 2Thess wrote: \u201cSo then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the traditions that you were taught by us, either by our spoken word or by our letter\u201d. As St. Cyprian, an early bishop of Carthage wrote: \u201cNo one can have God as their Father who does not have the church as their Mother\u201d."", "image":""},{"title":"Jesus Above the Waters & Above the Nations (Epiphany IV)", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/sermon-audio/jesus-above-the-waters-above-the-nations-epiphany-iv", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""Sermon for the 4th Sunday after Epiphany (29 Jan. 2023)\r\n\r\nIn Revelation 10 we see the culmination of Jesus Christ\u2019s victory over the waters, and how His Kingdom unites both Israel and Gentile nations when it describes Jesus as \u201cstanding one leg on the sea and one leg on the land raising His right hand to heaven\u201d (Rev. 10:5). The land representing Israel and the sea the Gentile nations, here Christ is standing atop His kingdom as He puts all enemies under His feet, swearing an oath to the Ancient of Days as a divine Witness to the New Creation and the New Covenant, a creation and covenant that unites all things in Him. Revelation 15 also shows that those of us in Christ also stand over the sea as part of the heavenly choir. Like Peter, who when he had faith could walk on the water with Christ, those of us who remain faithful can stand above the waters, above Satan and our sins and in dominion of the nations under Jesus\u2019 Kingship. \r\n\r\nScripture verses & Quotes:\r\nNumbers 12:13 \r\n2 Kings 5:7 \r\nMatthew 8:24-27\r\nJob 9:8\r\nPsalms 89:9\r\nAmos 4:13\r\nMicah 7:19 \r\nIsaiah 17:12-13; 57:19-21\r\nRevelations 13:1 \r\nIsaiah 23:11; 27:1; 43:15-16 \r\nMatthew 13:47-48\r\nRevelations 10:5\r\n\r\n\u201cThis peace, though, is not the absence of hostilities. Peace with God means warfare with the enemies of God. Christ made it clear that allegiance to Him meant a sword of division, as He divides order from chaos and the wheat from the tares. In a sinful world, some warfare is inescapable. We must therefore pick our enemies: God or sinful man? If a man is at peace with sinful men, he is at war with God\u201d.\r\n- J.R. Rushdoony. \u201cThe Institutes of Biblical Law\u201d. Page 781.\r\n\r\nIf I could close with a word of encouragement from that Pillar of the Church \u2013 St. Athanasius the Great, who at one time had to stand against the world in defense of Trinitarianism \u2013 he wrote:\r\n\u201cWorship, then, the Savior "Who is above all" and mighty, even God the Word, and condemn those who are being defeated and made to disappear by Him. When the sun has come, darkness prevails no longer; any of it that may be left anywhere is driven away. So also, now that the Divine epiphany of the Word of God has taken place, the darkness of idols prevails no more, and all parts of the world in every direction are enlightened by His teaching.\u201d\r\n- St. Athanasius. \u201cOn the Incarnation of the Word\u201d. Chapter 8, Refutation of the Gentiles (55)"", "image":""},{"title":"What is 'Marriage'?", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/sermon-audio/what-is-marriage", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""Sermon for the 3rd Sunday after Epiphany (22 Jan. 2023)\r\n\r\nIt is interesting to note that the very first place, or very first event on earth, where Christ decides to begin His miraculous ministry is at a wedding. If we go back to the very beginning of creation, what is one of the first interactions God has with mankind \u2013 it is the joining, or marriage, of Adam and Eve. Then, if we go to the very end of the Bible, how is Christ pictured as completing His work - it is by describing the Church as the New Jerusalem being delivered to Him as a bride, \u2018the wife of the Lamb\u2019 (Rev. 21:9). Moreover, everywhere in between, the way God chooses to picture or describe His covenantal relationship with first Old Covenant Israel and then later New Covenant Israel, which is the Church; it is as a marriage covenant. So, it is probably pretty safe to say that God considers marriage very important. Indeed, quite essential to our relationship with Him. The appreciation of marriage in this light is one of the things that makes our present-day society\u2019s treatment, or rather disdain, of it even more painful.\r\n\r\nScripture Verses:\r\nRevelations 19:7; 21:9\r\nMark 10:6-9 \r\nRomans 8:5-7\r\nEphesians 2:10"", "image":""}]}